Insane random link spree

I don’t have much to say at the moment. Maybe you will learn something by reading this essay by John-paul Sartre. It was written in 1947 and it’s worth the three minutes. Maybe if you have a little more time, you could even head on over to Project Gutenberg and read this novella by Ayn Rand. Its called ‘Anthem’. Even though she is wrong, it is very good. If you haven’t heard of it,or her, you should probably kill yourself.

That’s all folks.

Ciao for now.

3 responses to “Insane random link spree

  1. Forget about Sartre. He and his buddy Pierre are just a couple of drunks, and downers in the worst sense of the word. Life is good.

    I’ve written the most important philosophical work in a thousand years, and it’s online. There’s even a synopsys before you settle yourself in to read it.

    Don Robertson, The American Philosopher
    Limestone, Maine

    An Illustrated Philosophy Primer for Young Readers
    Precious Life – Empirical Knowledge
    The Grand Unifying Theory & The Theory of Time

  2. Indeed, life can be beautiful. Especially on a clear, sunny day. The warmth of the sun on my back as I sit in the park and sip my coffee,while reading Sartre of course! ;-P.
    On another note, nice work you have done. I don’t know if it’s “the most important philosophical work in a thousand years”, but nice work all the same.
    Thanks for commenting!

  3. Thanks for taking the time to read it.


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